
Scalable Pipelines

Trooba logo a hot technology nowadays with lots of ways to build web/service applications. This can be considered a positive thing, but with it comes a problem of choosing the right way. This can be quite time consuming for an application team who strives for quality as it would have to go through multiple iterations building the framework that needs to support business logic of many applications in years to come.

Here at eBay NodeJS platform team has gone through those iterations and now shares the knowledge, best practices and solutions for platform teams that need to do this work as well as useful insights to application teams on how to make their code more scalable and avoid repetitive tasks that each app team would face otherwise as they build their application. This work is extremely valuable when one views it from maintenance perspective at eBay scale with 100+ applications and developers using it and focuses on providing quality and uniform solutions that can be reused across different applications.

This on-line book reviews design challenges and solutions for building scalable web and service flows using eBay open-sourced Trooba framework



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